Sunday, February 9, 2014

steel cut oatmeal and the leftover oatmeal muffins

Sounds like everyone is getting on board with steel cut oatmeal, and with good reason! It's an all around better oatmeal (in my humble opinion). I've been using the same recipe for some time now, but recently over on Orangette blog, Molly posted a recipe for a different variation using milk. I was intrigued since I've always made my quick-cook oatmeal with milk since I was a child. So we gave it a whirl.

I tried with great attention to be sure the simmering oatmeal didn't boil over, as I'm sure we've all had an experience or two with scorched milk. Well, the temperature must have gotten just a little too high and the partially covered pot sealed and we had a major spillover. Cleaning messes like that really reinforce the importance of keeping attention to simmering milk on the stove. Once complete Owen and I had our helpings with maple and brown sugar and it was fantastic! Definitely a recipe we'll continue to use.

Then Saturday morning with the leftover oatmeal I tried Orangette's Leftover Oatmeal Muffins. Very simple and quick, these muffins were in the oven before 7 am. We used chocolate chips in ours but you can use any add-in of your choice (half a cup). 
Molly wasn't kidding when she called these muffins anemic looking.

But they weren't bad at all. I quite enjoyed them and they were a hit with Owen. I'm sure we'll continue to make these if we ever have leftover oatmeal.

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