Monday, September 8, 2008

Honey Marsala Pears with Gorgonzola

My first attempt at baking away the pear onslaught was this Honey Marsala Pears with Gorgonzola. I found it in my Nigella Express cookbook, here's the link.

The great thing about this recipe is it doesn't use any refined white sugar, so Nuno could enjoy it. All of the natural sweetness (besides the pears) is from honey, so I got the chance to use Karissa & Kevin's honey wedding favour. I bought the cheese at Olson's on Ravine - very pricey but was so amazing! Since I have a freezer full of pecans, I used them instead of the walnuts the recipe calls for.
We had it as a cheese course for Sunday night dinner with my parents. This probably sounds totally shi-shi, but we sometimes do food and wine pairings with Sunday dinner - only because Katie's at Inniskillin and has the know how. So we paired it with Riesling which was perfect! Looking at all the ingredients, it seems like a strange mix, but together - it's a very surprising and unexpected flavour. Really delicious!

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