Katie somehow whipped up an entire zine in past couple weeks. I don't quite know how she did it between work and school, but she managed to squeak it in just in time for Canzine this past weekend. The day before the event she needed me to design the cover from the cool illustration Blair drew and print it off for her. I started thinking about the table set-up at Canzine and pulled out light strings, made a quick banner and used a duvet cover as a table cloth. Here's how Katie's table turned out. Looked great, eh?
Katie's zine turned out fantastic - here's how to get a copy.
It was almost kind of nice how the Canzine mayhem happened out of the blue to give me a bit of a break from halloween. Before Katie called for some help I was sewing my shirt for my costume. As I was pushing a sleeve through the machine I flipped the front of the shirt into my Saturday morning coffee. Then moments later the machine totally seized up on me. I felt so hopeless and called my mom for some sewing machine guidance. Luckily I fixed the sewing machine problem and rocked the shirt into completion, gave it a wash and it's good to go for iron-on decals now. That means my costume is completely done and I couldn't be more excited about it!